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Pursuing Carbon Neutral

Introduction of Renewable Energy

Amorepacific Group makes full use of unused spaces to generate photovoltaic energy.

Amorepacific Group actively makes full use of unused spaces in its domestic and overseas business sites to generate photovoltaic energy. Solar energy is used especially in operating production facilities at Beauty Campus Osan, where many products are produced.

Solar energy is used for diverse purposes at production facilities, including temperature and humidity control, replacing more than 6% of total energy consumed at the Beauty Campus. In addition, 350kW solar panels are installed on the 22nd floor of Amorepacific Global Headquarters located in Yongsan, Seoul. New and renewable energy, including photovoltaic energy, solar thermal and geothermal energy, accounts for 12% of the entire energy used at the headquarters. Amorepacific Group will continue to increase the use of new and renewable energy across different facilities and buildings.