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Management Poilicy for 2006

Company 2006-01-02

The Management Poilicy for 2006, "Growth through Innovation," was announced during the the opening ceremony of business after the New Year holidays. The new Management Policy includes the following guidances: [Promote Globalization] Accelerate our continued globalization efforts to fortify our aspects as a true global company. Particularly, expand our operations in the Asian countries to strengthen our presence in the Asian market. [Create Customer Value] Respond faster to the changing needs of the customers to be born again as a company with secured visibility over the customers and customer-focused processes [Ambidextrous Management] Cope appropriately with today’s bipolarizing market to become a strong player in both Mass and Prestige markets. Uplift the expected values versus reasonable prices in the Mass market, and simultaneously offer differentiated products and services in the Prestige market. [TCR: Total Cost Reduction] Cultivate and spread TCR practices such as setting and managing a cost target to enhance each channel’s profitability, eliminating all wasteful costs, etc. to secure cost leadership. [Six Sigma] Expand Six Sigma activities into regional headquarters and subsidiaries, and launch the third and the fourth waves. Approximately 30 Black Belts will be executing more than 80 projects to enhance project-executing abilities and to strengthen the connection between various projects and the company’s strategy, as the results of Six Sigma’s innovative activities start to become visualized.