Human rights management
Amorepacific Group declared its support for the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2007 and respects human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recommendations from the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In 2018, the group established and announced a human rights policy expressing its commitment to human rights management and expanding its implementation throughout the value chain.
Through its human rights policy, Amorepacific Group ensures that the human rights of stakeholders, including employees, customers, local communities, and partners, are respected throughout the group's management activities and strives to prevent connivance or complicity in human rights violations.
Human Rights Policy Statement
Amorepacific Group upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea. We are dedicated to identifying and managing any potential human rights issues throughout our entire business operation, including subsidiaries and supply chain.
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Human Rights Due Diligence
Human Rights Risk Management
Amorepacific Group manages human rights risks by comprehensively considering past human rights issues, frequency of occurrence, and severity throughout its subsidiaries and management activities to prevent human rights violations in business processes. Human rights due diligence focuses on diagnosing vulnerable areas considering the characteristics of each company, stakeholders, and local regulations according to the process. Identified human rights issues are improved through corrective measures, and efforts are made to prevent recurrence.
※Human Rights Due Diligence Process
[1] Review Checklist
Development of a checklist based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Organization (ILO) Standards, labor-related laws, human rights policies, and Sustainability Management Guidelines for suppliers Take into consideration of the specific characteristics of each company's business and local regulations
[2] Assess Human Rights Risks
Conduct assessment/diagnosis for each stakeholder, including employees, suppliers, and customers Identify adherence to Sustainability Management Guidelines and areas of vulnerability
[3] Identiy Human Rights Issues
Self-inspection or on-site due diligence (if necessary)
[4] Implementation Improvement Measures and Management
Demand for rectification and monitoring
Grievance Channels and Human Rights Education
Amorepacific Group operates grievance channels to identify and prevent human rights violations that may occur among various stakeholders and local communities. Whistleblowers can report confidentially or anonymously and are protected from unjust retaliation. External stakeholders can also use the channels, and accessibility has been improved by specifying communication channels in the sustainable management guidelines for partners. Regular training is conducted to strengthen human rights awareness among all employees. In 2023, regular online courses were conducted on preventing workplace sexual harassment and improving disability awareness, with additional training for those who did not complete the courses and new hires. Through human rights awareness improvement training, workplace sexual harassment is prevented, values of coexistence are spread, and awareness of workers with disabilities is raised.
Mutually Beneficial Labor-Management Relations
Amorepacific has maintained a dispute-free workplace for the past 30 years, building mutually beneficial labor-management relations based on mutual trust. As of 2023, 37.1% of eligible employees are members of the Amorepacific labor union. Amorepacific respects employees' freedom of association, including joining labor unions, and employees can freely join or leave the union according to their individual will. Collective agreements applying to all employees are concluded every two years, and labor-management councils are held quarterly. The Labor-Management Cooperation Team and Human Resources Team monitor the situation and strive to solve problems to build cooperative labor-management relations. Additionally, Amorepacific Group and its domestic affiliates comply with labor-related laws and conduct self-inspections of working conditions for each company at least once a year.